7 Habits of Highly Successful People

Think about a time without email.
Think about a time without Facebook.
Think about a time without your smartphones.


How did people and companies communicate, align and perform as a world class unit back then? Too often do we take things for granted and not take time to reflect on how fortunate we are today. How can we make full use of technology and the tools around us to lead a fruitful an truly great career and life?


There were once a time where information was scarce and those who really yearned for knowledge, fought for it fiercely. Sacrificing and paying their way to attain it. Today, it is made widely available.


Today, let us be reminded not to take anything or anyone, for granted.


7 Habits by Stephen Covey

I remember how companies were selling these as Public Courses you would find in The Star newspapers for RM 9k per person for 2 days. Schools and tuition centers adopted it and made it into syllabus easy for children to understand, to start them right young. The very same content is now available on YouTube in a 6 mins clip.


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